Healing comes in many forms and even Reiki healers who have attended the same training do not do it exactly the same. Healing is primarily known as 'dispensing or changing energy'. But other forms can also be used to scan the body like an MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) scan at the hospital, thereby providing a very precise picture of the body's physical condition in several areas. In addition, various forms of healing can also affect the body and its healing process physically. ( Just as negative forms of energy and thought patterns can actually make the body sick. ) I primarily work with the following forms of healing:
- Reiki
Reiki consists of three forms of energy. A 'love energy' that gives lightness in body and mind. As well as greater profit and well-being in everyday life. A chi energy that is a kind of 'life force' found in all living things. A dissemination and delivery of this can both give greater emotional benefits, as well as greater power to act. And increase the vitality of one's life as a whole. ( A draining of chi due to 'energy-sucking people' or draining life circumstances can have the opposite effect. And can create an apathetic / depressive state in body and mind. ) - STSR (Christ Healing)
In this form of healing, it is the soul energy itself that works. Both from above and between processor and recipient. A kind of spiritual help for self-help, if you will. This can help the recipient to act more clearly and lovingly in his life - both physically and mentally. As well as helping to release the causes of physical or emotional imbalances, as well as negative influences. - Crystal Healing
In this form of healing, both crystal energies and physical crystals are used.
Primarily uses this to balance energies in the body and dissolve energy bonds. - Aboriginal shamanistic form of healing
I am one of the few in the Western world who uses this form of healing.
Communicated primarily with regard to the improvement of physical defects and diseases in the body.
The results exceed what most imagine. Even spiritually aware people..
Call and find out more about what can be done for you on mobile: 22173664